
If you suffer from one or more chronic conditions it's not uncommon to be prescribed several medications, it's also not uncommon to lose track of which and how many you are taking. Not taking your medications as prescribed can result in serious complications, so if you're having difficulties it's time to consider medication management from your Washington, DC, Family Medicine Provider, Elizabeth Vebangsi, DNP/FNP/PMHNP of ADORN Medical Services.

Medication Adherence

Medication adherence is not only a more common problem than many people realize, but it's also much more serious. It is especially important to adhere to your doctor's instructions if you are taking medication to manage a chronic condition, as failing to do so can potentially result in a medical emergency.

Why It Happens

There are many reasons why people struggle with medication adherence, it can be that they have too many medications to manage, that they don't feel like they're seeing positive effects, are afraid of side effects, or it might be a question of cost.

If any of the above apply to your circumstances then a consultation regarding your medications can be your best resource, through a service called medication management.

Medication Management in Washington, DC

You must take your medication as it's prescribed, but it's also important to discuss with your provider if anything is holding you back.

Medication management can help you to better understand all the different medications you are taking. You can go over any side effects you may be experiencing, discuss with your provider whether the medicine prescribed is having its desired effects, and whether the doses can be modified or the prescription changed altogether.

If you are interested in the benefits of medication management and live in or around the area of Washington, DC, you can schedule a consultation with your Family Medicine Provider, Elizabeth Vebangsi, DNP/FNP/PMHNP at ADORN Medical Services by dialing (202) 800-6500.

Our Location

Our Location

  • Address

    4514 Benning Road SE,
    Washington DC, MD 20019



Hours of Operation

Monday - Friday
10:00 am - 5:00 pm
9:00 AM - 8:00 PM Virtual Visits (every other Saturday). In-person visits by scheduled appointment only